YPHSL Visiting Academics Programme

The Singapore Management University (SMU) Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) Visiting Academics Programme is mainly intended to accommodate academic faculty from other universities and legal professionals (senior practising lawyers and consultants, judges and government legal officers) who wish to spend a period of time at YPHSL pursuing research on a particular topic. This programme is designed to accommodate visiting scholars with a broad range of legal experience and qualifications and to encourage interactions and collaborations with YPHSL faculty on legal and interdisciplinary research.

Visiting Academics Programme

Visiting Academics are generally expected to offer faculty seminars and/or contribute to YPHSL’s working paper series or similar compilations.  They may be appointed for short-term visits to conduct seminars and/or research collaborations, for longer-term research projects and collaborations and/or to teach courses in the YPHSL programmes.

Visiting Academics may be appointed from:

  • current full-time Professor, Associate or Assistant Professor of Law from a reputable university or equivalent academic status or LLM graduate from a reputable university
  • legal professionals with extensive law-related experience and keen interest in research collaborations with YPHSL Faculty; and
  • current full-time Professor, Associate or Assistant Professor of Law from a reputable university with prior teaching experience in a reputable university. Such law academics may be engaged to teach in the YPHSL programmes as Visiting Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors subject to the obtaining of a valid work pass and other approvals and clearances as may be necessary.

Unless otherwise stated in this document, applications for the position of a Visiting Academic will be accepted for periods of no more than 90 days.

This Visiting Academics Programme is separate and independent from the visiting positions available in the research centres at SMU. 

Programme Details

Depending upon availability, timing, and relationship to ongoing YPHSL research initiatives, the YPHSL may offer the Visiting Academic some or all of the following benefits:

(a)   YPHSL Visitor card;

(b)   YPHSL wireless computer network access;

(c)   a workspace;

(d)   use of the library;

(e)   invitation to faculty seminars and symposia.

Remuneration, Accommodation and Travel Documentation

As non-employees of YPHSL, Visiting Academics are generally not entitled to salary, housing, medical insurance or benefits other than those privileges cited above. YPHSL will not provide financial support for travel, accommodation or subsistence.

Visiting Academics are expected to make their own housing arrangements, purchase health/travel insurance and ensure that they have the correct travel documentation for their entry and stay in Singapore.

Limited Funding Opportunities under the YPHSL Visiting Academics Programme

Notwithstanding the above, please note that limited funding may be available for YPHSL Visiting Academics subject to the terms set out below. Please note that such appointments are made pursuant to nominations by YPHSL Faculty which takes place only once at the start of each calendar year.

The Visiting Academic with funding will be appointed for periods of no more than 12 months.

Visiting Academics who are successful in obtaining funding will be formally notified and may be required (in accordance with the SMU Governance and Academic Policies Handbook) to enter into a contract of employment with YPHSL including but not limited to terms on the purpose and duration of the visit, deliverables and the funding for the specified duration.

For enquiries, please write to:

Yong Pung How School of Law
Singapore Management University
55 Armenian Street
Singapore 179943
Email: lawcv@smu.edu.sg