Academic Appointments

Professors / Associate Professors / Assistant Professors 

The Singapore Management University (SMU), Yong Pung How School of Law invites scholars to apply for Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors on tenure-track.  We also have a few positions on the non-tenure track and encourage applicants with the right fit to apply. 

A premier university in Asia, the Singapore Management University (SMU) is internationally recognised for its world-class research and distinguished teaching. Established in 2000, SMU's mission is to generate high impact research and to produce broad-based, creative, and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy.  SMU's education is known for its highly interactive, collaborative, and project-based approach to learning.

The Yong Pung How School of Law is among SMU’s eight schools and colleges, offering LL.B., J.D., LL.M. and PhD degrees. Located in Singapore’s Central Business District, SMU Yong Pung How School of Law has forged strong cooperation with leading law firms, prominent businesses and technology companies. Its academic research focuses on cutting-edge issues of transnational commercial law in Asia, law and technology, dispute resolution and sustainability and the law.  The Yong Pung How School of Law currently has more than 50 faculty members and more than 800 undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our faculty members have diverse experiences in multiple jurisdictions and have published widely in leading international journals.

Academic Positions (Tenure-Track)
Applicants for Professorship should have an excellent publication record and international recognition in research and legal education. Success in obtaining and managing significant research grants is advantageous. 

For Associate Professorship, applicants are mid-career scholars with a record of sustained excellence in both research and teaching. 

For Assistant Professorship, applicants are early-career scholars who have a strong academic record and clear potential for achieving excellence in both research and teaching. The first contract is for a four-year period and Assistant Professors must undergo a mandatory tenure review before the end of the second four-year contract.  Applicants are normally expected to have at least three substantive publications (published or accepted for publication) in leading international journals. 

Academic Positions (non-tenure track)
Non-tenure track faculty plays a vital role in contributing to teaching, research and service.  They shoulder a greater responsibility for teaching.  Successful applicants will be appointed to the ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Principal Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer as is commensurate with their qualifications, achievements and experience, with renewable fixed-term contracts lasting up to five years.  We are inviting applications for the following tracks on the non-tenure track.  

  1. Practice Track faculty conduct practice-oriented or applied research, disseminating industry-relevant knowledge to private and public sector organisations.
  2. Education Track faculty engage in education-related and pedagogical research, demonstrating scholarly contributions that enhance teaching methodologies and content development. 
  3. Lecturer Track faculty contribute to various academic programmes in SMU, leveraging their professional and academic expereince to deliver courses aligned with their expertise. 

Academic Qualifications and Relevant Experience 
Applicants for all ranks and on both tracks (tenure or non-tenure) should ordinarily have a first degree in law and a postgraduate degree in law from reputable law schools.

Applicants who do not possess a postgraduate degree in law are welcome to apply if they are able to demonstrate a strong publication record and relevant expereince in teaching, legal practice, government, international organisations, or the judiciary.   

Evidence of successfully applying for external research grants and/or working in interdisciplinary research teams (where law is one of the research disciplines) will be an advantage.  As is work experience in the judiciary, international organisations, law firms, technology companies, and governmental agencies.  

Subject Areas
We are looking for highly motivated and talented scholars who work in any field of law and utilise a variety of research methodologies.  Subject areas of particular interest include the following:

  • All areas of private law (contract, torts, property, equity and trusts)
  • Commercial law
  • Corporate and securities law
  • Criminal law
  • Evidence
  • Financial regulation and fintech
  • Law and technology
  • Sustainability and environmental law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Legal theory and philosophy
  • Constitutional and administrative law

SMU offers a highly competitive salary in addition to medical and other benefits. Professors at all ranks are also eligible for travel and research funding.

Application Procedure
Interested applicants should submit 1) a cover letter (which should state, inter alia, the track the applicant is applying for); 2) a detailed CV including publications; 3) soft copies of 3 recent representative publications; 4) a 3-5 page description of research and teaching interests; and 5) a list of 3 referees with full contact information to

Applicants are advised to refer to the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law Annual Report 2023

Application deadline: 16 May 2025

Applicants are reviewed (and may be interviewed) on a rolling basis, so early applications are strongly encouraged.  An applicant's willingness to engage in service activities at the school and/or University levels will be a key consideration. 

Other questions can be directed to Professor Heng WANG at (Please quote reference number in all correspondences:  YPHSL-PROF-2025-26)

SMU Yong Pung How School of Law is committed to building a culturally diverse educational environment; women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information on Recruitment in SMU, please visit the Careers@SMU we bsite:

Early Career Opportunities

SMU, with the support of the Ministry of Education, offers various types of postgraduate development opportunities providing a range of support to promising Singaporeans at the early stages of their academic career.

Singaporean candidates at the early stages of their academic career considering applying to the Yong Pung How School of Law may consider applying directly for one of the following opportunities:

  1. Overseas Postgraduate Scholarships (OPS)
    SMU’s Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship that aims to attract and encourage talented young Singaporeans to embark on an academic career by providing financial support as well as guidance and mentorship. The scholarship will provide financial support for up to five years while the selected scholars complete their overseas studies towards a LLM and/or PhD degree (or equivalent).

  2. Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowships (OPF) 
    ​SMU's Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship aims to provide doctoral candidates who are about to complete or have completed their studies at a local autonomous university, an opportunity to engage in mentored and advanced training and/or research at an overseas university or institute for one year.

  3. Early Career Award (ECA)
    The ECA provides outstanding Singaporeans who have recently completed their PhD or postdoctoral training an opportunity to enhance their teaching capabilities as well as establish a strong research portfolio before they are considered for a tenure track appointment at SMU. Awardees will hold appointment as Lecturer for a period of up to three years during which they will receive a research grant, reduced teaching load and guidance of an academic mentor.  Upon completion of the award, awardees will be considered to join SMU’s faculty as an Assistant Professor on the tenure track. 

Further details, as well as the eligibility criteria and application process, may be found at the following website:

Enquiries about either the OPS, OFS or ECA may be directed to the Professor Heng WANG at