Visiting Faculty for AY2019/20

PhD, Bioinformatics (Genetics Dept.); Yale University Graduate School of Arts & Sc
University of California, Berkeley
Professor, Harry Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya
Course Taught: Introduction to Law and Technology

PhD, University of Manchester Law School
Associate Professor of Commercial Law, University of Durham School of Law
Course Taught: International and Comparative Secured Transactions Law

PhD International Law, Fudan University
Vice Dean and Professor of international Law at Law School of Fudan University
Course Taught: Chinese Commercial Arbitration

Hengameh SABERI
SJD, Harvard Law School
Associate Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Course Taught: Public International Law

Graham VIRGO, QC (Hons)
Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Education
Professor of English Private Law, University of Cambridge
Jones Day Professor of Commercial Law, 2019