This seminar will launch two books on private international law authored by faculty members of the Yong Pung How School of Law i.e. Adeline Chong and Yip Man,
Singapore Private International Law: Commercial Issues and Practice (OUP, published in February 2023) and Yeo Tiong Min SC,
Commercial Conflict of Laws (Academy Publishing, published in March 2023).
As part of the launch, the authors will speak on recent developments in Singapore private international law, namely, Singapore’s accession to the Hague Service Convention, developments on the grant of Mareva injunctions and decisions on foreign illegality. Specifically, the topics that will be covered in the seminar include:
- The potential impact of Singapore’s accession to the Hague Service Convention on extraterritorial service of process and the enforcement of judgments
- Applying for a ‘free-standing’ Mareva injunction in support of overseas litigation (Civil Law Act 1909, s 4(10A))
- Applying for a Mareva injunction in crypto fraud cases
- Recent cases on foreign illegality, including Esben Finance Ltd v Wong Hou-Liang Neil [2022] 1 SLR 136 (CA) and the EFG Bank AG, Singapore Branch v Surewin Worldwide Ltd [2022] 5 SLR 915.
This session is part of the SMU Law Academy “Recent Highlights” series. Designed with the busy practitioner in mind, this series provides participants with a convenient platform to obtain timely and practical bite-sized analysis of the latest developments in various areas of the law. The series will be taught by leading and experienced experts curated from academia and practice. Each topic in the series is distilled into a short-duration online webinar so that busy legal professionals can be effectively updated with the most material developments affecting their practice.
Professor Yeo Tiong Min
Yeo Tiong Min, SC (
honoris causa) is Yong Pung How Chair Professor of Law in the Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University, with research interests in private law with a focus on private international law. His works have been cited in courts of various common law jurisdictions. He has contributed to many law reform reports in Singapore, has served as amicus curiae for complex international commercial litigation in the Court of Appeal, and is an expert member of the Singapore delegation to the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Professor Yip Man
Yip Man is a Professor of Law in Singapore Management University, Yong Pung How School of Law. She is presently the Associate Dean (Faculty Matters & Research) and prior to taking this role, she was the Academic Director of the SMU Centre for Commercial Law in Asia. Her principal research interests are in private law, private international law and dispute resolution. Her work has been cited by the Singapore Court of Appeal, the Singapore High Court, and the High Court of England and Wales, as well as in leading textbooks and journal articles.
Associate Professor Adeline Chong
Adeline Chong is the co-author of Chong and Yip,
Singapore Private International Law: Commercial Issues and Practice (OUP, 2023) and Hill and Chong,
International Commercial Disputes: Commercial Conflict of Laws in English Courts (Hart, 4th edn, 2010). She is the Project Lead of the Asian Business Law Institute’s project on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Asia. Her work has been cited by various courts including the Singapore, Hong Kong, New South Wales and New Zealand Court of Appeals, and the UK Law Commission. She has acted as an expert on Singapore law in foreign litigation.
3:40 PM |
Start of registration
4:00 PM |
Introduction by Associate Professor Adeline Chong
4:05 PM |
Presentation: ‘Singapore’s accession to the Hague Service Convention’
Speaker: Professor Yeo Tiong Min, SC (Hon)
4:25 PM |
Presentation: ‘Recent Developments on the Mareva Injunction’
Speaker: Professor Yip Man
4:45 PM |
Presentation: ‘Recent Cases on Foreign Illegality’
Speaker: Associate Professor Adeline Chong
5:05 PM |
5:20 PM |
Launch of:
Adeline Chong and Man Yip, Singapore Private International Law: Commercial Issues and Practice (OUP, 2023)
Yeo Tiong Min, SC, Commercial Conflict of Laws (Academy Publishing, 2023)
5:30 PM |
a. Early Bird Price (registration by 16 August 2023)
Registration fee of S$72.90* (inclusive of GST) applies.
b. Regular Price (registration after 16 August 2023)
Registration fee of S$81.00* (inclusive of GST) applies.
*Please note that there will be no refund of any fees should the participant cancel the registration/ fail to attend the event. However, registration is transferable. Notice of any change in participant should be sent to the Academy via email: smulawacademy [at], by 23 August 2023.
SMU Law Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event. In such case, we will arrange for the refund of fees paid.