LAW4043 SIAC AND INSTITUTIONAL ARBITRATION: LAW AND PRACTICE | | AY2023-24 TERM 2 |  | | | | OVERVIEWArbitral institutions are important stakeholders in the field of international arbitration, but the nature and importance of their role have often been overlooked. The course seeks to introduce participants to the role and function of arbitral institutions in guiding and shaping the practice and development of international arbitration, and to the complex issues that arbitral institutions face in the administration of arbitrations, including, among others, the appointment of arbitrators and the issuance of arbitral rules and practice notes. The course will be taught by experienced guest instructors from the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and by other leading arbitration practitioners, who will share their unique, practical perspectives on administering or advancing a particular case. After each session involving SIAC instructors, participants will solidify their understanding through a review of case law and class presentations. Participants keen on developing a practice in international dispute resolution will find this course of direct relevance.
Week | Date | Topics | Instructors | 1. | 8 Jan | Introduction to institutional arbitration ecosystems and SIAC Case Management Role of SIAC | Mr. Davinder Singh, SC, Mr. Kevin Nash, Mr. Shivam Patanjali | 2. | 15 Jan | SIAC’s role in the Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal | Mr. Kevin Nash, Ms. Snigdha Bhatta, Mr. Nusry Hussain | 3. | 22 Jan | Jurisdictional Objections, Consolidation and Joinder, Emergency Arbitrator, Expedited Procedure, Early Dismissal | Ms. Wendy Lin, Ms. Duong Hoang, Mr. Andres Larrea Savinovich | 4. | 29 Jan | The Arbitral Proceedings | Mr. Daryl Chew, Ms. Chui Lijun, Mr Vivekananda Neelakantan | 5. | 5 Feb | Award and Costs of the Arbitration | Ms. Ong Pei Ching, Mr. Samuel Leong, Ms. Lynnette Lee | 7. | 19 Feb | SIAC, Investor State Dispute Settlement and Alternative Dispute Resolution | Ms. Jennifer Lim, Ms. Kate Apostolova, Mr. Vakhtangi Giorgadze |
| For more information, refer to Course Outline and Instructors' Profiles.
Overseas participants who wish to attend this course virtually may contact smulawacademy@smu.edu.sg with their particulars to enquire. Please note that all auditing participants do not undertake the course assessment.
CERTIFICATEAuditing Participants will be expected to participate in class activities and class discussions, but do not otherwise undertake the formal assessment modes for the course, such as any research papers or exams. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to auditing participants who meet a minimum attendance rate of 75%.
FEESRegistration fee of S$1,620* (inclusive of GST) applies. *Please note that there will be no refund of any fees should the participant cancel the registration/ fail to attend the event. However, registration is transferable. Notice of any change in participant should be sent to the Academy via email: smulawacademy@smu.edu.sg, at least one week before commencement. SMU Law Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event. In such case, we will arrange for the refund of fees paid. |
| |  | Registration closes on 3 December 2023. | DATE8 Jan - 19 Feb 2024 | | TIME7:00 - 10:00 PM (SGT) | | VENUESingapore Management University/ Webinar
Maxwell Chambers Suites (for Week 1) | | PUBLIC CPD POINTS3 points per day | | PRACTICE AREAOthers/Multi-disciplinary | | TRAINING LEVELFoundation | | TERMS & CONDITIONSView Terms & Conditions |
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ABOUT THE SILE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEMEThis programme is part of the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law Auditing Programme - an Accredited CPD Activity under the SILE’s CPD Scheme. Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For participants attending the face-to-face activity, this includes signing in on arrival and signing out at the conclusion of the activity in the manner required by the organiser, and not being absent from each day of the activity for more than 15 minutes. For those participating via the webinar, this includes logging in at the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the webinar in the manner required by the organiser, and not being away from each day of the webinar for more than 15 minutes. Participants may obtain Public CPD Points for each day of the event on which they comply strictly with the Attendance Policy. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to www.sileCPDcentre.sg for more information.
| | ABOUT THE SMU LAW ACADEMYThe SMU Law Academy (previously known as CLE) has an established track record of providing the legal profession with high quality seminars and other opportunities to remain fully informed about contemporary legal developments in Singapore and beyond. Its carefully curated listing of seminars is developed with the profession’s multi-faceted needs in mind and meets the requirements of the CPD scheme. The Academy also administers the Auditing Scheme which enables members of the legal profession to consolidate and upgrade their understanding of the law by auditing courses in the School’s LL.B., J.D. and LL.M. programmes. For an overview of upcoming SMU Law Academy events, please click here.
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