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[SMULA] Recent Case Law Developments Pertaining to Non-Absolute Contractual Obligations <Lau Kwan Ho>

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Recent Case Law Developments Pertaining to Non-Absolute Contractual Obligations



Assistant Professor Lau Kwan Ho

Deputy Director, Centre for Commercial Law in Asia;

SMU Yong Pung How School of Law 



It is commonly said that anything less than full performance of a contract term is a breach of contract. That general rule should not lull one into thinking that contractually assumed obligations are invariably absolute in nature. Contracting parties may make justifiable attempts to reserve to themselves some facultative authority, or what might colloquially be termed wriggle room, within their relationship. 

This seminar offers an introduction to, and analyses, the contemporary treatment of two types of clauses in that category: those requiring a party to endeavour to achieve a result, and those conferring upon a party a discretion on whether to take a particular course of action.



Lau Kwan Ho is an Assistant Professor of Law at the Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU). He teaches and researches primarily in the law of contracts. His other research interests include the legal process and the development of the legal profession. His work is cited by courts in Singapore and Hong Kong, by sitting Commonwealth judges in extra-judicial speeches, by regulatory bodies and in academic treatises and articles regularly. He has given expert evidence on Singapore law in foreign court proceedings.


Kwan Ho is concurrently the Deputy Director of the Centre for Commercial Law in Asia. Prior to joining SMU, he practised law in the M&A department of a major Singapore law firm, was in-house counsel at a sovereign wealth fund, and served in the Supreme Court of Singapore as a Justices’ Law Clerk.  



a. Registration Fee                 
Registration fee of S$122.63* (inclusive of GST) applies                

b. Group Registration                
Registration fee of S$110.36* (inclusive of GST) applies if there are at least 10 participants from the same organisation.                

c. SMU Alumni (LLB / JD / LLM graduates)                 
Registration fee of $110.36 (inclusive of GST) applies for SMU LLB/ JD/ LLM Alumni                

*Please note that there will be no refund of any fees should the participant cancel the registration/ fail to attend the event. However, registration is transferable. Notice of any change in participant should be sent to the Academy via email:, by 21 June 2024.


SMU Law Academy reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event. In such case, we will arrange for the refund of fees paid.


Register Button
Registration will close on 21 June 2024.
Complimentary for SMU Law Full-time Faculty, Staff & Students. Please sign up with your SMU email address.                

28 June 2024

2:30 pm to 4:00 pm




Corporate / Commercial                


2:15 PM Participants to log in to webinar
2:30 PM Start of Event
4:00 PM End of Event




The SMU Law Academy has an established track record of providing the legal profession with high quality seminars and other opportunities to remain fully informed about contemporary legal developments in Singapore and beyond. Its carefully curated listing of seminars is developed with the profession’s multi-faceted needs in mind and meets the requirements of the CPD scheme. The Academy also administers the Auditing Scheme which enables members of the legal profession to consolidate and upgrade their understanding of the law by auditing courses in the School’s LL.B., J.D. and LL.M. programmes. For an overview of upcoming SMU Law Academy events, please click here.              



This programme is an Accredited CPD Activity under the SILE’s CPD Scheme. Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes logging in at the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the webinar in the manner required by the organiser, and not being away from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to for more information.


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