These two seminars aim to provide practitioners with an understanding of the fundamental principles of Singapore private international law, with focus on their application in the commercial area.
The first seminar will cover the jurisdictional rules of the Singapore High Court, the SICC and the Choice of Court Agreement Act 2016, as well as their interplay. It will also discuss how these different jurisdictional regimes will affect the drafting of jurisdictional agreements.
The second seminar will cover choice of law rules, with focus on contractual and tortious choice of law rules and practical considerations in the drafting of choice of law clauses.
Associate Professor Yip Man formerly practiced as a disputes lawyer. She is currently the Deputy Director of the Centre for Cross-Border Commercial Law in Asia, SMU. Her research interests are in private law, private international law and international commercial courts. Her work has been cited in leading treatises, as well as by the Singapore Court of Appeal, Singapore High Court and the High Court of England and Wales. She previously acted as an expert on Singapore commercial law and Singapore private international law in an arbitration matter.
a. Registration Fee
Seminar fee of S$200* (inclusive of GST) applies.
b. Group Registration
Seminar fee of S$180* (inclusive of GST) applies if there are at least 10 participants from the same organisation.
c. SMU Alumni (LLB / JD / LLM graduates)
Seminar fee of S$180* (inclusive of GST) applies for SMU LLB / JD / LLM Alumni
*Please note that there will be no refund of any fees should the participant cancel the registration/ fail to attend the seminar. However, registration is transferable. Notice of any change in participant should be sent to the Academy via email:, by 23 October 2020.
SMU School of Law reserves the right to cancel or postpone any event. In such case, we will arrange for the refund of seminar fees paid.