To launch the book “Trusts and Private Wealth Management”, edited by Professor Yip Man and Professor Tang Hang Wu (together with Professor Richard Nolan of York University), we invite you to join us at a Seminar discussing trust disputes – particularly in relation to protectors, exercise of trustee’s discretion and the management of dispute resolution for trust beneficiaries and settlors in Singapore.
This seminar and book launch is jointly organised by Singapore Management University, in collaboration with TSMP Law Corporation.
4:45pm 5:00pm
5:00pm 5:15pm
Disputes in relation to Protectors - Recent Developments
Yip Man, Professor, Yong Pung How School of Law, SMU
5:15pm 5:30pm
Disputes in relation to Exercise of Trustee’s Discretion
A review of Grand View Trust Co Ltd vs Wen-Young Wong [2022] UKPC 47
Tang Hang Wu, Professor, Yong Pung How School of Law, SMU
5:30pm 5:45pm
Managing dispute resolution for trust beneficiaries and settlors in Singapore and beyond
Kelvin Koh, Partner, TSMP Law Corporation
5:45pm 6:05pm
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Thio Shen Yi, SC
Joint Managing Partner, TSMP Law Corporation
Kelvin Koh, TSMP Law Corporation
Tang Hang Wu, Professor of Law, SMU
Yip Man, Professor of Law, SMU
6:05pm 6:15pm
Launch of Trusts and Private Wealth Management
6:15pm 7:30pm
Networking Drinks
Yip Man
Yip Man is a Professor and the Associate Dean (Faculty Matters & Research) at the Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University. In recognition of her research on business families (with focus on Asia), she is appointed the V3 Group fellow in Family Entrepreneurship. She has written widely on the area of equity & trusts, remedies and dispute resolution. She is the Co-General Editor of Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases and an Editor of the Trust Law International.
Tang Hang Wu
Tang Hang Wu is a Professor at the Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University and co-head of the Trusts & Private Wealth desk at TSMP Law Corporation. He has published widely and been instructed as Counsel or expert witness by Singapore and international law firms, high-net-worth individuals, the US Department of Justice, banks and trust companies on trust law. Recent trust issues that he has advised on include trusts over cryptoassets, gold bars, real estate, company shares, and offshore bank accounts. He has been involved in high value trust disputes in Singapore, Washington D.C., Florida and Jersey. In recognition of his expertise in equity and trusts, Hang Wu was made an overseas member of the Chancery Bar Association of England and Wales, a country correspondent of Trusts and Trustees.
Kelvin Koh
Kelvin is a Partner in TSMP Law Corporation who specialises in the field of dispute resolution and private wealth. He has acted in several high profile trust litigations in Singapore, including the MF Global Singapore statutory trust case, the De La Sala matter and the Zhang Lan trust litigation. On the academic front, Kelvin taught Equity and Trusts at the National University of Singapore from 2012 to 2017, and is currently the Principal Examiner for Trusts and Equity for the Foreign Practitioners Examinations with the Singapore Institute of Legal Education. He also contributed the chapters on Equity and Trusts in Bullen & Leake & Jacob’s Singapore Precedents of Pleadings and on the Singapore Law Watch. Kelvin has been recognised in many legal publications, and has most recently been named as one of the Singapore Rising Stars 2022 by Asian Legal Business and a Future Star for Private Clients in Benchmark Litigation Asia Pacific.
Thio Shen Yi, SC
A Joint Managing Partner at TSMP Law, Shen Yi is recognised internationally as a leading commercial litigator. He served as president of the Law Society from 2015 to 2016 and was elected a Master Bencher of the Middle Temple in 2016. He regularly represents clients in trust litigation, corporate litigation and financial disputes, among other practice areas.