Our choices today impact the possible futures we may face. Therefore, it is crucial that contemporary international law is made with desirable futures in mind. When it comes to oceans, while international community celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 2022, we are at a critical period of developing global ocean regimes: the United Nations Conference on Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement), the Convention on Biological Diversity's Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and International Seabed Authority's Mining Code are all being negotiated simultaneously. The key research question of this workshop is centred on exploring of how global legal regimes should be developed to achieve a peaceful, healthy and sustainable ocean in uncertain futures. The workshop will address two categories of future scenarios. First, the 'known unknowns', such as pandemics, technological advancements at sea, mass extinction of marine species and the rise of China and its impact on the world's oceans. Second, the so-called 'unknown unknowns' and the different ways to develop a robust and sustainable law of the sea that anticipates unexpected risks or situations.
Time (Singapore) |
Event |
onwards |
Registration |
Welcome Remarks & Group Photo
Prof Lee Pey Woan (Dean, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU))
Prof Dan Puchniak (Director, Centre for Commercial Law in Asia, SMU)
Assoc Prof Liu Nengye (SMU)
Panel 1 - Unknown Unknowns: Reimagining Robust and Sustainable Global Ocean Regimes
(Chair: Assoc Prof Michelle Lim (SMU))
- Annika Frosch (European University Institute), "Global experimentalist governance (GXG), a way to govern unknown futures?"
- Rebecca Prentiss Pskowski (World Maritime University), "Institutional Compliance Mechanisms for International Maritime Organization Treaties: Depoliticization, Decarbonization, and Regime-Building for Uncertain Futures"
- Dr Kristine Elfrida Dalaker (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), "The Case for Using Elinor Ostrom's Studies on Robustness and Adaptive Governance to Implement the BBNJ Treaty"
- Julia Weston (Catholic University of Portugal), "Facing Human Rights as a current and future Law of the Sea issue: Potential next steps"
Health Break
Panel 2 - Known Unknowns (1): Energy Transition and Deep Seabed Mining
(Chair: Prof Alexander Proelss (University of Hamburg))
- Dr Gabriela Argüello (University of Gothenburg), "Resilient Energy Transition for the Ocean, Offshore wind energy, multi-use ocean spaces and the environment"
- Prof David Leary (University of Technology Sydney), "A 'Wicked Problem' of the Anthropocene? Critical and Rare Earth Minerals, Renewable Energy, and Deep-Sea Mining"
- Prof Carina Costa de Oliveira (University of Brasilia), "Deep seabed exploitation and development: What's left of the Principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind?"
Lunch Break
Panel 3 - Known Unknowns (2): Environmental Crisis at Sea
(Chair: Prof Karen Scott (University of Canterbury))
- Ethan Beringen (Macquarie University), "International Fisheries as the 'Whale in the Room' at the Negotiations for a New Instrument for Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction"
- Dr Alexandra Harrington (Lancaster University), "Plastic Pollution of the Oceans and Marine Environment: Bridging the 'Known' and 'Unknown' Unknowns"
- Assoc Profs Nengye Liu & Michelle Lim (SMU), "Regulating Key Drivers of Marine Biodiversity Loss in Asia, Challenges and Prospects"
Health Break
Panel 4 - Known Unknowns (3): Technology Advancement and Geopolitical Challenges at Sea
(Chair: Prof Shirley Scott (UNSW Canberra))
- Dr Su Wai Mon (University of Malaya), "Protection of Submarine Cables as Critical Information Infrastructures: The Need for a Holistic Approach"
- Dr Pei-Lun Tsai (National Chengchi University), "Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and Environmental Protection - Potential Challenges and International Regulatory Responses"
- Dr Yitong Chen (Ocean University of China), "Proactive or Reactive: Rising China and Its Behavioural Patterns in Ocean-Related International Negotiations"
- Dominique Virgil (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), "ASEAN Maritime Outlook: Enhancing ASEAN's Leadership in Establishing Sustainable Ocean Regime based on International Law"
Health Break
Roundtable - The Law of the Sea and Uncertain Futures
Chair: Prof David Leary (University of Technology Sydney)
Prof Shirley Scott (UNSW Canberra)
Prof Karen Scott (University of Canterbury)
Prof Alexander Proelss (University of Hamburg)
Assoc Prof Nengye Liu (SMU)
6:00pm |
End of Workshop |
Please visit  Chairs and Presenters for more information.

28 April 2023 (Friday)
9:00am - 6:00pm
(Singapore time)
Learning Labs 3 & 4
Kwa Geok Choo Law Library
Singapore Management University
55 Armenian Street
Singapore 179943

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