From descriptive to predictive analytics to workflow enhancing technologies, Legal Technology and Data Science are fundamentally transforming the nature and practice of law. Buyers of legal services are becoming savvier about the time and cost efficiencies that technology can deliver. As a result, clients expect their legal services providers to engage technology in their practices and are auditing legal providers’ systems and capabilities. This session will particularly focus on how data science techniques are currently being used in legal practice and how their evolution will continue to shape the legal profession.
- What is Data Science?
- What is Legal Data Science?
- Relationship between A.I. and Data Science
- Descriptive vs Predictive Analytics
- Highlighting Several Use Cases of Legal Data Science
- Overview of Legal NLP
- Some Thoughts about the Future of Legal Data Science
2:10pm to 2:30pm (Singapore time)
Seminar on Data Science for Lawyers (Part I)
Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Chicago-Kent College of Law
Data Science for Lawyers (Part II)
End of Event
Professor Daniel Martin Katz
Chicago-Kent College of Law
Jones Day Professor of Commercial Law, SMU
Professor Daniel Martin Katz is a scientist, technologist and professor who applies an innovative polytechnic approach to teaching law - to help create lawyers for today's biggest societal challenges. Both his scholarship and teaching integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Professor Katz teaches at Illinois Tech Chicago-Kent Law and spearheads new initiatives to teach law students how to leverage technology and entrepreneurship in their future legal careers. He has published or forthcoming work in a wide variety of academic outlets. He is currently working on two book projects including an edited volume entitled Legal Informatics (Cambridge University Press, 2021) and a book on technology + innovation in law. Professor Katz has an Erdős Number = 4. His work has been highlighted in a number of media outlets, including the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, BBC Radio, Wired, Vox, National Public Radio, Slate Magazine, Huffington Post, 538, Bloomberg Businessweek, ABA Journal, Law Technology News and The American Lawyer.
Professor Katz received his Ph.D. in political science and public policy with a focus on complex adaptive systems from the University of Michigan. He graduated with a Juris Doctor cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School and simultaneously obtained a Master of Public Policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. During his graduate studies, he was a fellow in Empirical Legal Studies at the University of Michigan Law School and a National Science Foundation IGERT fellow at the University of Michigan Center for the Study of Complex Systems.