Yong Pung How School of Law
CHEN Siyuan
Full-time Faculty
Associate Professor of Law; Associate Dean (Student and Alumni Affairs); Director, Moots
- LL.M., Harvard University, 2010
- LL.B. (First Class Honours), National University of Singapore, 2007
Academic Positions Held
Current Appointment:
- Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2018-Present
- Associate Dean (Student and Alumni Affairs), Jul 2022-Present
- Director, Moots, Sep 2020-Present
- Chairperson, SMU Faculty Mooting Committee
Previous Appointment:
- Assistant Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2010-Jun 2018
- Lecturer of Law, Singapore Management University, 2009-Jun 2010
- Adjunct Faculty, Singapore Management University, 2008-2009
- Adjunct Faculty, National University of Singapore, 2008-2009
Other Positions
- Justices' Law Clerk, Supreme Court of Singapore, 2007-2009
- Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court of Singapore, 2008-2009
- Member, Singapore Academy of Law, 2007-Present
- Pupil, Drew & Napier LLC, 2007
Honours & Awards
- Student Life Award, SMU, 2018
- Lee Kong Chian Fellowship, SMU, 2015
- Faculty Development Scheme, SMU, 2009-2010
- International Clerkship, Gray's Inn, South Square (London, UK), 2007
- International Clerkship, Freshfields Bruckhaus Derringer (London, UK), 2007
- Alona E. Evans Award, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Championships (Washington DC, USA), 2007
- Semi-finalist, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Championships (Washington DC, USA), 2007
- Montrose Prize (Jurisprudence), National University of Singapore, 2007
- Overall Dean's List, National University of Singapore, 2007
- Dean's List, NUS, 2004-2007
- Allen & Overy-Shook Lin & Bok Scholarship, NUS, 2005
- Kwa Geok Choo Scholarship, NUS, 2004
Courses Taught in SMU
- Evidence & Civil Procedure
- International Moots I
- International Moots II
Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation
- Appellate Advocacy Skills (Moot Court)
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Evidence Law
- Civil Procedure
Selected Publications
- The Law of Evidence in Singapore (Sweet & Maxwell: 2025), 1100 pp
- Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore: Civil Procedure (LexisNexis: 2024), 437 pp
- Annotated Statutes of Singapore: Evidence Act (LexisNexis: 2023), 366 pp
- "Singapore’s Rules of Court 2021: Pushing the Boundaries of Case Management and Judicial Discretion?" (2024) 43 Civil Justice Quarterly 322–345
- "Regulating Online Hate Speech: The Singapore Experiment", (2024) 38(2) International Review of Law, Computers, and Technology, 119–139
- "An Updated Account on the Similar Fact Rule" (2024) Singapore Law Journal 171–193
- "The Impact of the Rules of Court 2021 on the Law of Evidence" (2022) 34 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 328–352
- "Re-Aligning Legal Professional Privilege in Indian Evidence Act Jurisdictions with Modern Practice" (2022) 41 Civil Justice Quarterly 297–316
- "The Standard of Proof in Indian Evidence Act Jurisdictions" (2022) 3 Singapore Law Journal 42–65
- "Disclosure in Criminal Proceedings" (2022) 34 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 51–74
- "Tiered Standards of Proof before the International Court of Justice" (2022) 34 National Law School of India Review 103–125
- "Improperly Obtained Evidence in Criminal Proceedings" (2022) SAL Practitioner (Crime), 12 pp
- "Student Disciplinary Proceedings in Universities" (2020–2022) 8 City University of Hong Kong Law Review 1–14
- "Attribution of Civil Liability for Accidents Involving Automated Cars" (2020) Singapore Academy of Law Law Reform Committee Report
- "Shifting to a “Judge-Led” System for Family Law Proceedings" (2018) 37 Civil Justice Quarterly 257–275
- "The Regulatory Framework for Aerial Imaging by Recreational Users of “Drones” in Singapore" (2017) 29 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 126–162
- "The Discretionary Death Penalty for Drug Couriers in Singapore" (2016) 20 International Journal of Evidence & Proof 49–71
- "Re-Assessing the Evidentiary Regime of the International Court of Justice" (2016) 13 International Commentary on Evidence 1–40
- "The Judicial Discretion to Exclude Relevant Evidence: Perspectives from an Indian Evidence Act Jurisdiction" (2012) 16(4) International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 398–424
- "The Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law" (2011) 23(1) Singapore Academy of Law Journal, 350–366