Yong Pung How School of Law
(On Leave)
Full-time Faculty
Assistant Professor of Law
- Doctor iuris, Universities of Geneva and Vienna (co-tutelle), 2019
- LL.M., King’s College London, 2014
- Master of Laws, University of Geneva, 2013
- Bachelor of Laws, University of Geneva, 2011
Academic Positions Held
Current Appointment:
- Assistant Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2022-Present
Other Positions
- Head of Societal Impact, Singapore Sustainable Futures Initiative, 2025-Present
- Co-Director of Studies and Committee Member, International Law Association (ILA), Singapore Branch, 2024-Present
- Steering Committee Member, Asia-Pacific Research Alliance, 2023-Present
- Member, Academic Forum on Investor-State Dispute Settlement, UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 2021-Present
- Advisor, Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Foreign Direct Investment, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), 2021-Present
- Associate, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), 2020-Present
Past Positions
- Postdoctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore, Centre for International Law (CIL), 2021-2022
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Swiss National Science Foundation), World Trade Institute, University of Bern, 2020-2021
- Lecturer, Swiss School for International Relations, 2019-2020
- Legal Consultant, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), International Investment Agreements Section, 2017-2018
- Teaching and Research Fellow, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law, 2015-2019
Honours and Awards
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of World Trade and Investment, 2024
- CIBEL Young Scholar Prize, 2023
- Excellence in Reviewing Award, Journal of International Economic Law, 2023
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Postdoctoral Research Grant, 2020-2021
- Ernst and Lucie Schmidheiny Foundation, Research Grant, 2013-14
Courses Taught in SMU
- Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Sustainability, Multinational Corporations and International Law
Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation
- Sustainable Development in International Economic Law
- International Trade and Investment Law
- Investment Arbitration
- European External Relations Law
- Climate Change and Energy Transition
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Current Projects
- The Net Zero Transition and International Investment Agreements
- Global Trade Governance and Deforestation in Southeast Asia
Selected Publications
- Please refer to Curriculum Vitae for more details
- Google Scholar Author Page | SSRN Author Page
- Stefanie Schacherer, 'The Agility Paradigm: Rethinking Regulatory Policy Commitments in Free Trade Agreements' (2025) 59 Journal of World Trade 1, pp53-76.
- Stefanie Schacherer, 'Building Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chain Frameworks: Limits of International Investment Law and the CSR Initiatives Taken by the EU and China' (2024) 32 Asia Pacific Law Review 2, pp 347-361.
- Stefanie Schacherer, Sustainable Development in EU Foreign Investment Law, Brill’s Nijhoff International Investment Law Series, 2021 (sole-authored monograph) 455 p.
- Stefanie Schacherer (with A Reinisch), 'Defining (Sustainable) Investment and Investors' in Cordonnier Segger MC and Stephenson S (eds), Research Handbook on Investment Law and Sustainable Development, Edward Elgar Publishing (accepted, to be published in April 2025)
- Stefanie Schacherer, ‘Art. 8.9 CETA-Agreement on Investment and Regulatory Measures’, in M Bungenberg and A Reinisch (eds), EU-Canada CETA Investment Law - Article-by-Article Commentary, Nomos Hart Publishing 2022, pp 236-255.
- Stefanie Schacherer (ed. with MM Mbengue), Foreign Investment Under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Springer International Publishing, 2019, 361 p.
- Stefanie Schacherer (with MM Mbengue), 'The ‘Africanization’ of International Investment Law: The Pan-African Investment Code and the Reform of the International Investment Regime' (2017) 18 Journal of World Investment & Trade 3, pp 414-448.
- Stefanie Schacherer, 'TPP, CETA and TTIP Between Innovation and Consolidation - Resolving Investor-State Disputes under Mega-regionals' (2016) 7 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 3, pp 628-653.