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Faculty Profile

Yong Pung How School of Law YPHSL

Gary CHAN Kok Yew

Full-time Faculty
Vice Provost (Faculty Matters); Professor of Law
  • M.A. (Philosophy of Religion and Ethics) (Merit), University of Birmingham, 2016
  • M.A. (Southeast Asian Studies), National University of Singapore, 2001
  • B.A. (Philosophy), University of London (Second Upper Honours), 2000
  • LL.M. (Merit), SOAS, University of London, 1996
  • LL.B., National University of Singapore (Second Upper Honours), 1993
  • Attorney and Counselor-at-Law (New York), 2006
  • Advocate and Solicitor (Singapore), 1994

Academic Positions Held

Current Appointment:

  • Vice Provost (Faculty Matters), Singapore Management University, Jul 2022-Present
  • Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, 2017-Current

Previous Appointments:

  • Associate Dean (Faculty & Research), School of Law, Singapore Management University, Jul 2017-Jan 2020
  • Director, J.D. Programme, Aug 2016-Jun 2017
  • Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, 2008-2016
  • Director, Continuing Legal Education, May 2010-Apr 2012
  • Associate Dean (Teaching & Curriculum), School of Law, Singapore Management University, 2007-April 2009
  • Assistant Professor of Law, Singapore Management University, 2002-2007

Other Positions

  • Member, Advisory Committee on Restricted Research, Ministry of Health, Singapore, 1 October 2023 - present
  • Member of the University Educational Research Fellowship (ERF) Selection Committee, March 2023 - present
  • Member of the Selection Panel for Singapore Law Reports, July 2022 - present
  • Member, SAL Professional Affairs & Membership Committee (Personal Injuries and Property Damage Working Group), July 2022 - present
  • Civilian Panel Member, Military Court of Appeal, Singapore, July 2020 – present
  • Member, University Research Evaluation Committee, Singapore Management University, 2020 - present
  • Appointed as amicus curiae of the Supreme Court of Singapore to provide opinions on tort law in 2018 and 2019
  • President’s Tenure and Advisory Committee (PTAC), May 2017 - present
  • Member, Editorial Board of Torts Law Journal, September 2016 - present
  • Member, Faculty Advisory Committee (Teaching and Learning) (FACTL), Singapore Management University, Jan 2015-Dec 2018
  • Wee Kim Centre Director Search Committee, July 2016 - 2017
  • School of Law Dean Search Committee, September 2016 - February 2017
  • Member, Taskforce for Technology-Enhanced Education, Singapore Management University, 1 Feb 2016 - Mar 2017
  • Member, Programs Committee, Continuing Professional Development Scheme, Singapore Institute of Legal Education, 2011-Apr 2012
  • Member, University Librarian Search Committee, Singapore Management University, 2010-Nov 2011
  • Member, Editorial Board of the Singapore Law Reports (Re-issue), 2007-2009
  • Member, Professional Development Chapter (of the Professional Affairs Committee, Singapore Academy of Law), 2007-Nov 2014
  • Member, Singapore Academy of Law Summer School Committee, March 2008-Jan 2010
  • Counsel (Asia-Pacific Australasia), Equant, 2000–2002
  • Legal Manager, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd, 1998–2000
  • Corporate Lawyer, Wong Partnership, 1997–1998
  • Magistrate, Subordinate Courts, Singapore, 1995–1996
  • Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore, 1993–1996

Courses Taught in SMU

  • Law of Torts
  • Legal System, Legal Method and Analysis
  • Business Law
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Law Study Mission (Vietnam)
  • Comparative Legal Systems
  • Big Questions (Happiness and Suffering)
  • Health Law and Medical Ethics

Research Areas / Areas of Specialisation

  • Tort Law
  • Singapore Legal System
  • Ethics 
  • Health Law

Selected Publications

  • "Examining the New Standard of Care for Medical Advice and Patients with Mental Health Conditions" (2023) 29 The Tort Law Review 134-151.
  • AI, Data and Private Law: Translating Theory into Practice (Hart Publishing, 2021) (co-edited with Man Yip)
  • Health Law and Medical Ethics in Singapore (Routledge, 2021)
  • The Law of Torts in Singapore (Academy Publishing, Second Edition, 2016) (co-authored with Lee Pey Woan).
  • ‘Search Engines and Internet Defamation: Of Publication and Legal Responsibility’ (2019) 35 Computer Law and Security Review 330-343.
  • ‘The Right to a Good (Business) Reputation and Truth: Re-examining the Declaration of Falsity’ (2016) 23 Torts Law Journal 163-185.
  • ‘Finding Common Law Duty of Care from Statutory Duties: All Within the Anns Framework’ (2016) 24 The Tort Law Review 14-33.
  • Tort of Defamation Before the Singapore Courts 1965-2015: A Comparative and Empirical Study, Academy Publishing, 2017.
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility: Asian and Western Perspectives (McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 2016) (edited book with George T L Shenoy).
  • The Legal System of Singapore: Institutions, Principles and Practices (LexisNexis, 2015) (edited book with Jack Tsen-Ta Lee).